Thursday, August 7, 2014

If He Wants Junk Food, Let Him Have it!

I love eating healthy. I love knowing what is going into my body and I love making good food but when I'm away I can always count on my left home girls to eat junk food all weekend long with Daddy. Not that he isn't a good cook because he is (he makes a mean meat loaf) and not that he doesn't want to, but to the Little's, cuddling up with just their daddy watching a movie on a laid out sheet, munching on popcorn and pizza is their idea of the best time IN THE WORLD! Ask any of them what they want to do and it's "watch a movie with Daddy!"

So, instead of fussing in my mind about all the terrible ingredients being ingested into their small meek little bodies, I decided to let them have their junk food and be okay with it. Because I made it :)

I'm leaving this weekend with my two oldest girls on a camping trip. I'm so looking forward to the food we have prepared. I've spent the last few days dehydrating 8-10lbs of veggies and apples into maybe 2lbs and have dried tortellinis ready to boil up on a cool evening. The rest back at home also have a delicious menu I'm sad to miss. Home made pizza pockets (something hubby definitely would have picked up), ravioli's and meat sauce (just like from the can but not) and popping corn with seasonings. I picked up a popcorn maker for $1 at the thrift shop.

I'm sure there will be some consumption of some tasty junk from the store at some point this weekend but I know I've made a valiant effort to have junk food readily available for them.

I love my family :)

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