Friday, November 25, 2011

Considering a field in Suburbia

Proverbs 31:16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks

I've been thinking about this verse all day and what it means to consider a field. I'm not sure it's too practical these days to go out and consider a field. But what is a field? I've been wondering what are the fields in my life. What are the things that I consider? I think that's really what this is about. It's not that she is purchasing a field, it's the considering part. It doesn't say "she sees a really great deal on a field and buys it because it's a good buy" it says she considers it. I have the problem of just umping into things thinking they will just work out and convincing my husband it's a good idea. A lot of times this just causes a lot of extra hassel and waisted money. Not enough consideration is done before I just jump into these great ideas of mine.

This is the heart of this part of the passage. Being smart and considering what is best. I'd like to share a personal example of how this verse has worked in my life. Just because she considers it and buys doesn't mean our results should always end in the buy. I started a little home business with my friend while we were in Oregon last year. I bought a lot of supplies, made a lot of product, spent time and money to be vendors at craft sales and hardly anything came of it. Most of my product is stuck in Oregon because we couldn't afford to bring it back to Canada since it would take up so much space. It wasn't a wise decision. I thought I would continue to work on the business while here in Ottawa. I'd try to squeeze in a couple of hours of work on the computer trying to market online every day and this poor little computer just didn't want to chug along. It ended in a lot of frustration and waiting. It would take all day just to load a acouple of items online and there was a constant heaviness in me because I was anxious. (probably had a lot to do with the poor internet connection). I'd call Dan at work and tell him how frustrated I was that I couldn't get this thing going. There was a lot of waisted time and finally Dan said to me "you need to take a break from this stuff right now. I am going to work and support us and you don't have to worry about it." Now to some, this might come off as a controlling husband who doesn't let their wife do the thing they are working so hard at. This is not it at all. I saw it very much as an act of love and he was trying to spare me from all this frustration and freed me from feeling bound to getting this thing going and successfull. Thinking about this verse I realized I didn't consider my field. I just went out and bought it. Then we get to the next part of the verse.

She sets about her work vigorously and her arms are strong for her task. This is how vigorous is defined: 1. full of or characterized by vigor: a vigorous effort. 2. strong; active; robust: a vigorous youngster. 3. energetic; forceful: vigorous steps; a vigorous personality. 4. powerful in action or effect: vigorous law enforcement. 5. growing well, as a plant. . None of those words discribe how I went about my work on the website. I went about my work in frustration and anxiety. So not only did I not consider my field, I also didn't have vigor. I also didn't know what I was doing which contributed to the frustration. My hands were not strong for my task.

So our Proverbs 31 lady considered the thing she was about to endeavor on, she worked vigorously-did a great job-and knew exactly what she was doing. Her hands were strong for her task. She knew how to farm a field.

So, I still don't spend any time on the website I wasted hours on. But I believe that was, is and will continue to be a wise choice not to. The thing that I have considered is this blog; is preparing school for the girls and making sure I impress God's word on their hearts, talking about it when we walk along the road and when we wake up in the morning and when we go to bed (Deut 6:7); is studying scripture and sharing with friends I meet who's marriages hurt. These are the things I have considered. These are the things that I have vigor for. These are the things that I am strong in...or at least getting stronger at.

So what is your field? And are you doing it begrudgingly or because you have vigor for it? And are you good at it? Are you working hard at it? These are the things that need to be kept in the heart all the time. Is what you are doing really coming from God because I have a feeling, if you don't feel motivated to do it, if you aren't good at it, it you are full of anxiety about it, you may not have prayerfully considered it. Let Him live in you. There is something for you to consider, whether big or small, He has something for you to do. I hope you find it and make God the center of everything you do. I can't do anything good without him. There is no good without him.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Getting started in the morning

Proverbs 31:15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

It has been a while since I've written. I've been in kind of a slump lately. 7 months pregnant sure doesn't inspire me to get up while "it is yet night"...neither do these dark winter mornings. This morning, though, I had the pleasure of waking up at 530am to see my husband off. He'd out of town for a few days and it just so happens that we awoke to the first snowfall of the year. I went back to bed!

So clearly I am not living out this part of the verse and so I want to dive into this and figure out what it means. I can tell you that I have gone back and forth through phases of waking up early and sleeping in and I KNOW that when I wake up early my day is ALWAYS better so why is it that I give in to the "sleep monster"? Isn't it funny? Paul says in Romans 7 I do not do what I want but I do the very thing that I hate. I don't think sleeping in is the thing that I hate (or sin) but I do think the outcome of it has proven to be. Maybe that's why I've been in a bit of a slump lately...because I have become lazing in getting the day started. I wake up at 630 with Pillar every morning but lay in bed, her crawling all over me, hauling teddies, stories and blankets into the cramped little space I have and all, but I don't usually force myself out of bed until 7 or 730. Does that extra 30 mins of non sleep really do anything benificial? I don't think so.

So, speaking from experience, when I have gotten up before the babies ever did to do devotions, pray, meditate etc, my attitude is so much more possitive than when I sleep in. So here are my options: Lay in bed for an extra 30 mins of completly disturbed sleep hoping I will have slept a total of 1 min more, or get out of bed, spend time with my Lord and soak in his word. Hmmmm sounds like a no brainer to me. Now like I said, I don't think the sleeping in part is the bad part (for me anyway) but my attitude becomes poor, my frustration level grows, and the day just doesn't start well. So here I am, just like Paul saying "I don't do the thing I want to do (have a good attitiude) and I do the thing that I hate" (have a bad attitude). So for me, turns out sleeping in isn't a good thing, And it took me this blog to realize it because without writing it down, I would have just slept in tomorrow morning :)

I do want to talk specifically about the food part (I think you know by now this is pretty much my favourite earthly thing). I know many people don't take this passage litterally and it is quite impossible to do these days anyway and the reader from the previous post commented that we can't live every detail of this passage litterally otherwise we will burn ourselves out, but finding out what it really means to you to wake up while it is still night and prepare food for your household is really important too. So does that mean sleeping in like me is good for you (it isn't for me) or taking the kids to McDonalds for breakfast every morning, if that's the way this verse is true for you, let it be so then, but I would like to share with you from my perspective; how I make (or try) to make it work. Our schedule has been a little off lately since I have had a job every morning that goes from 730-830 so our days have just started a little later so this part of the passage hasn't really worked out for me lately but I keep a great memory of my mom with me when I think about this part. We have been living with my parents for the last couple of months waiting to see if God would take us back to Oregon for missions work (where we left from last year) but he's told us to stay so in that waiting time we've been crashing my parent's. Now I can tell you from the time being here lately as well as when we were little, one of the best feelings is to wake up to freshly baked croissants or muffins. HOT muffins! What a treat. How special it feels to be a daughter who gets to wake up after doddling around getting ready, to a nice hot aroma that fills the house. Up the stairs I come and the smell just gets better and better and there's my mom, still in her pj's making the family breakfast. For no other reason except for the fact that she wants to serve us. Now this lady is a busy lady; it doesn't happen often that she bakes in the morning but when she does, man is it special! I am her daughter; I was part of her household and to some degree, am right now, which means in that moment, she is this woman, waking early to provide food for her family, and as her daughter I feel so special to be treated to such a lovely morning. You know, later on in the passage, it says "Her children rise up and call her blessed". In this moment of gratitude, I call my mother blessed! And I hope my children either see me that way now or will when they grow older. I want to be able to bless my children in that way to. The morning is not just a time for me to decide on my own attidude but for me to decide on my kids attitude as well. This is the question I must ask myself: Will I wake up and have a poor attitude and spread that to the family, or will I bite the bullet and wake up early, refreshed and ready to start my day and treat my family to something really special, whether that be breakfast or something else.

As the mom, I have the power to control everybody's attitude throughout the day; mine, my kids, and my husband. So what will be my choice, a poor attitude or a good one? The good one always comes from God. When I start my day with Him, he is there all day long supporting me and encouraging me but the second I put something before him and say "devotions can wait" or "I'll do it later" things go down hill.

I think I could go on and on but for now I will stop. I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderfully blessed week!

Happy mornings :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Response to a Fellow Reader :)


Thank you so much for reading my blog. I have no idea how you came across it as only a handful of people read each time I post. I don't know if you have read any of my other posts but if you haven't, I started with the first or second post saying, this blog is entirely intended for my personal study and if others happen to stumble upon it, that's awesome but it is not in any way intended to preach, lecture, or say my opinion is the only way. It literally is a place for me to study and write. I would like to give you a bit of a background on many of the readers (that I know about :) Many of them are home school mom's who stay at home and may or may not have a business on the side. I can not speak to the working women of society of today because I am not one of them but what I can do is encourage the circle of people I know by writing about how God has worked in our lives.

So, to the other readers; I want you all to know that I wouldn't write about something that I am not passionate about. I absolutely love staying home all day long with my kids. I love spending time in my kitchen preparing delicious meals :) If you are not a stay at home mom and feel threatened by the content here, I would encourage you to find a woman in your life or a blog or something that you can pull encouragement from. This blog is only intended to uphold you as a woman and not tear you down. If you feel you are not encouraged by this blog, I really do want you to find something you will be encouraged by. Many of you have told me that you take encouragement from what I am writing about through my study in scripture and I thank God for that. I know God works in so many different ways so if I can touch only mom's who stay at home, great! and God has blessed someone else to reach out to those who are working mom's and wives and that's so great too. I love 1 Corinthians 12! It talks about different parts of the body but that we are all the same body. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

Thank you to the working mom who can minister to the working mom. Thank you to the ex drug addict that can minister to the drug addict, thank you to the women living in poverty that can encourage those also living in poverty. I hope you see what I mean. I don't have all the answers but God has revealed His living Word to me as a wife and mom at home.

The last thing I want to touch on briefly is I can't wait to get to the last verse in this passage. I'm sure it will take me forever to get there but this verse is what I strive for as a wife. It is always on my mind. "Her works are praised at the city gates." It's talking about how honored she is by her husband. He is so proud of her. He adores her. This isn't about being old fashioned and chauvinistic. It is all about how much my husband loves me and sharing what I know to make that happened. I want to show other women that this is possible. 1 year ago, I wrote my husband a letter saying "I want to be called your queen. I want you to be able to call me your queen. I want to be like Esther and you have so much confidence in the things I may say, that you can trust every word I say to you". That was not true then. It broke my heart that I was not his queen and for good reason too. I was not living as I should have been as a wife. More and more, each day, I become more his queen. I still and always will have work to do but my goal is to please and honor the Lord in my role as a wife and mother. And by doing so, I will be praised at the city gates :) I love my husband dearly. I can't imagine life without this man God has given me and I want to do everything I can to make him happy. He does the same for me. It is not a one way street.

Thanks for reading guys . I am so happy if you get something good out of this. Truly I am. I love sharing with you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pampers, disposable, or both? Am I working with willing hands?

Proverbs 31:13-14 She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant and brings her food from afar.

Look at that word "seeks" in the fist sentence. She seeks wool and flax, which means it's probably not easy to come by. She may have to make/ grow it, or find it from someone who has. What do you do with wool? You spin it into yarn and knit or sew with it. And we'll learn later in this passage that she clothes her family in fine garments of scarlet, and makes bed coverings for her family, and supplies the merchants with scarves to sell. She does all of this from scratch. I can't imagine not being able to go to the fabric store to buy the amount of whatever I want. These days have made it pretty easy for us wives to select wool. But imagine having to do it all from the very beginning.

Last night I made a clothe diaper. It wasn't just any cloth diaper, it was a Pampers cloth prototype. I am quite pleased with it. I was inspired because I love disposable diapers. They are fast, easy and they keep moisture in for a looonnnngggg time. You won't even know your baby is wet for the fist good long while (is this good? I don't think so. Pampers has made life of a mom and dad easy by being super absorbent) So, we got some free cloth diapers that we've been using for the last few days and they are big, messy, time consuming, uncomfortable, and the list goes on and on. Dan and I agreed that if we went to cloth diapers that it would be solely my department as he wants nothing to do with them haha. But then I look at this passage and realize, hey, this is me finding the good wool. I feel like I'm not giving in to the "easy" way (which I have been doing for the last 7 years) and really trying to figure out how this thing works. It takes about 1hr to make 1 diaper. That's a really long time, but it is so satisfying. I think about how long it would have taken Mrs Proverbs 31 to make garments and scarves and bed coverings (as examples) if she had to go out, find the wool, spin it, sew with it, and then finally it is done. It's a crazy long process.

As for the flax, it's the same story. I think this passage is saying she makes good homemade food :) I love to cook. I love cooking from scratch and the day I have to put something out of a package and warm up in the oven I feel so unsatisfied and a little guilty. This doesn't happen often as the kitchen is where I love to be. The girls do school in the kitchen so I can cook all day so the likeliness of me pulling something out of a box is slim. But to go even further, she grounds up her own flax; flour too I'm sure. I know someone who does this is it is so gratifying to go from start to finish all with your own hands and maybe that's the trick here. Maybe homemade food takes a long time, sometimes all day :) but it is so much nicer to know what you have accomplished.

"She is like the ships of the merchants, and brings her food from afar". I'm not going to get into the logistics of what that could possibly mean; does she go to the ocean coast waiting for fresh new food? does she travel to the farmers all around town? I think it means that she takes time and care into what food she is going to set before her family. They are so precious to her and she wants the best for them. She could very well go to the local discount bin and pick up almost rotten tomatoes and use them right away so they don't go bad (I am guilty of this) or she could take time, selecting the right fruits and veggies. She doesn't want just any old tomato, she wants the ones that would be perfect for the dish she is cooking. The fact that she takes the time to GO and find the foods she needs is pretty cool. Now we have stores on every corner everywhere, again it makes it hard for us to go directly to the merchant ships but maybe think about planting a garden in the next spring. I have big plans, not to have to buy any produce using the gardens I am going to plant. I am so excited about this. Just another thing to accomplish from start to finish.

I know not everyone has the time to be in the kitchen all day, but it is a really satisfying thing to fall in love with cooking and making delicious meals. If you are an M&M's type person, (don't get me wrong, their food is wonderful) but try home cooking. If your kids are picky, start with something you know they will like. The feeling is the opposite when you put so much time into a meal just to have someone say "yuk". My kids are great, even if I can tell dinner was a bomb and I know it doesn't taste good, they'll tell me it's great and eat it all up but I know not all kids have learned that trick haha so start with something they will like and boost your confidence in home cooking.