Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ruth and Boaz

Over the last 2 years, I have grown so much as a wife. I had no clue what being a wife was before 2 years ago. My husband and I were just two people living together and having babies. There wasn't much love or respect on either side yet for some reason the Lord didn't let us part from each other. 

In 2 years I have learned how to truly be a help meet to my husband and still have years and years of learning to do. The last few months have been different though. Just the other day, I caught myself headed in a downward slope in jealousy and envy toward other married friends and their husbands. I hadn't realized I had been envying them until one night I blew up at my own husband. That's something I don't do very often. "Why don't you help me around the house like the other good christian husbands do" was the guist of it and boy did I go off on him. When we got home that night after a long drive home, I went to the office. I felt like a little kid who was so mad at her parents but at the same time knew she was totally wrong for the things she said and attitude  So I stayed up late reading. Even when I don't think I'm in the wrong I read about godly women in the bible, usually Ruth or Esther, to figure out how I can better the situation, our relationship and the way I act in the future. I think it's a really good and healthy way to deal with tension in our relationship because even when I think he's wrong, God uses those bible study moments to mold me into a better woman and help meet. So on this particular night, I started reading Ruth. 

I got about half way through when Ruth is gleaning the field and Boaz tells his servants to tell her to take as much as she wants and he just starts loving on her and giving her all these things that she and Naomi need and he blesses her so much. I started to cry thinking “see even this man is so giving. He just gives and gives and helps her and they aren't even married yet. They haven't even met yet.” And as I cried I realized, Boaz didn't do any of that work. He simply told her she could do that for her family. He provided for her abundantly to take care of herself as well as her mother-in-law. He didn't get in the field and start gleaning with her because he felt bad. He didn't carry it home for her because she was a weak woman. He simply provided the means for her to take care of her household. And she fell in love with him for that. There is another part of the story when he is on the threshing floor, working with heavy equipment. Possibly something a woman wouldn't be able to handle. She probably could if she needed to but Boaz was here doing this role fit for his work. He works damn hard! He falls asleep on the threshing floor after work because he’s worked so hard.

This is the depiction of my marriage. My husband works so hard to provide not only for my needs but for every crazy idea that comes into my head. And when he doesn't have enough contracts to provide for the things that I want or want to do, he works harder. This is how he sees his work. He is the farthest from selfish I will ever come across. What a great friend and husband. 

So if any of you ladies reading this feel like your husband doesn't help out enough or at all around the house, I hope this can be an encouragement to you as I have found it to be exceptionally encouraging and a blessing in my life!

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